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Gaspar Noé From A To Z

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carne 16


A horse meat butcher from paris suburbs seduce a winding worker who disappears after the birth of their daughter Cynthia. The butcher raised alone his child who spend her days watching television. Time passes and the butcher keeps on washing his daughter like a baby. But she grow and he has to repress the temptation of incest. The day of her first menstruations, Cynthia panic and go to see her father at the butchery. As a result of a misunderstanding, he thinks that she has been raped on her way by an arab worker. He rushed to the site and stabs an innocent. The victim will survive, but the butcher is imprisoned. He has to sell his business and his apartment. Cynthia is placed in an household. On his release from prison, the butcher finds work as a waiter and starts in with the boss. She sells her business in order to start over, elsewhere. (www.canalplus.fr)


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