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Gaspar Noé From A To Z

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Director : Gaspar Noé

Script : Bret Easton Ellis from Nancy Jo Sales "The Golden Suicides" for Vanity Fair

Production : Muse Film Production


The Golden Suicides (from the story of Theresa Duncan and Jeremy Blake's suicide) : "It's a very exciting project, but it would be Hollywood film, and if I undertook it, I would have to spend a lot of time in the U.S. [...] Only then [his sentimental & erotic movie will be shot, NOTW] would I undertake the other project, which would completely reorganise my life. I do not like to spend so much time in other countries, as I am always homesick. This certainly comes from the fact that my parents always moved when I was a kid. I loved filming in Japan, but one of my most dramatic moment was when I had to leave France for three months, I felt I should cut off both my arms. If there's only a day to go before I travel, I can't sleep the night before."(Gaspar Noé for  www.origo.hu)


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